Comments On This Picture
Looks like Gensyoko's Short bus lost most of it's passengers.
As bizarre as the Touhou fandom is, they're very good vertical shmups with quality music, and are easily pirated. Somewhat hardcore, but the easy difficulty is pitched *exactly* right for noobs. Also they have basically no plot, so you don't need to care about the many characters other than aiming at them. I'd recommend giving them a go regardless of your feelings towards weeaboos.
i don't know which is lamer, this picture, or your ability to properly name each character in the pic
they all played on "The Grudge"
why is jackie chan wearing a dress?
Looks like Aya, Patchouli, Remilia?, Yuyuko, Marisa, Reimu, Iku, Keine, Kaguya, and a shoe. (Captcha, Guessin today)
a virgin circle
Hey! Isn't those the characters from.... *reads title*..... oh shit....
the dark side of the otaku
Well i guess that means i'm totally awesome and fun, 'cause i can't name single one
most deffinetly touhou project drunk male version,yuck!! but where is sakuya??
is this japanese happy time after hours at the office?
How japanese people play Dungeons and Dragons?
Room for Fail cosplay
This is what angeldust would have done to Smokey in Japan
ahh how beautiful, the ancient japanese art of crossdressing some disabled rent boys
I see...Yuyuko,Marisa,Reimu,Kaguya,Youmu,Aya.. DAYM THESE GUYS ARE GOOD AT COSPLAYING!!
LOVELOVE~!~! HEART BEAT MOE MOE RUNE~~~!!!111one now with extra fail!!1 :D
Typical Touhou Fans, GOD DAMMIT. Tis The saddest, They all Have their Rape Faces on.
And this is where the invisible girl sits
Sadly know every character on here.....(touhou ftw)
hey, i think i see hugh grant trying to pick one up in the background.
Looks like Gensyoko's Short bus lost most of it's passengers.