Comments On This Picture
oh boy topless woman!
He needs to get laid asap
Wait... it's too weird without a face...
Does it have plastic vaginas too?
Foe ever alone, so sad...
is this he counterpart to that half-a-man pillow earlier?
so ronery
Comes with Pajama Pillowcase.
This is for the lonely..
dude... I WANT one of those! it looks so cool! I bet I could find some way to use it in a prank...
if i wake up to see those topless women,surely i'll pass out
he's so ronery...
for ever alone
I am strangely aroused...
advertiser: no no no the lady laps aren't used for laying on *lift's skirt* customer: ಠ_ಠ...
This Guy gets to sleep with as many topless Women As he wants.. EVERYNIGHT!!!
This Guy gets to sleep with as many topless Women As he wants.. EVERYNIGHT!!!
Itsd a Girlfriend's Lap pillow.Apparently for men who cant get REAL girlfriend.
This Guy gets to sleep with as many topless Women As he wants.. EVERYNIGHT!!!
Figures it'd be a 80 year old man on a pair of 12 year old legs
Society will lap it up, but the feminists won't stand for it.
If only the legs were open:(
oh boy topless woman!