Comments On This Picture
Man, gotta get me some of those Putin brand puddings, is that one banana flavored?
It says: Please don't lick the cover
Wait isn't Big a russian quick noodle company?
maybe it's poutine
If you slathered this crap on a cracker would that be "Putin on the Ritz?"
Из Россий с любовью!From Russia with love%)
is it a Puting? :0
my dick refuses to cooperate.
it says "if you are going to be racist, at least insult the right race dumbass"
lousy photoshop .
photoshoped joke. This pudding is not real.
140% chocolate flavor
Indeed Big
i always wanted to eat out a dictator
i do not know who attached this picture on this web site. it is horrible. may be you will...oops i think somebody coming to my house and knocked the door.
Putin Pudding, wtf?
so damn lawl
It's not real. Big Pudding is a real product, but this was photoshopped because Putin and pudding sound alike in Japanese.
Man, gotta get me some of those Putin brand puddings, is that one banana flavored?