Comments On This Picture
If this is a regular shop in Japan... What are the Adult ones like? O.O
Anyone notice the tentacle rape to the right?
Our customers felt the need to be "in touch" with our products.
Japan is all about porn :|
Japan is desperate to increase the domestic birth rate?
Why is the skirt real too??
I'd be one of the few girls caught feeling that up.
one word... BRRRRRBRRRRBRRRR....
Free Try!
Dear god she's missing her torso.
forget her. She's lopsided. Just kidding. I'd fuck her anyway.
omg tentacle rape xD
......................i wonder if they actually use this..........
am I the only one who noticed this is the anti-theft sensor at the entrance of a store? o_O
Oh God!!! I Want to F... Japanese girls!!!
that's normal in japan. they don't doubt it is weird
Great Now you can abuse a school girl while shopping! Have some live action of a hentai there.
look u get cute horny girl on the left and other cute girl getting pwned by tenticales, sucks to be the the chick on the left thats for sure she gets nothing while the other one is getting something at least.
Subway Rap dolls..
Silly Japan, Japanese chicks can't use those!
hang on a minute,thats my bedroom..!
Customer service taken to a whole new level!
Maniac minds! awful?....
The skirt is real so you can lift it |D
That's it I'm moving to Japan
I can't lie. I actually want to test that.
pokemon never showed shit like this
If this is a regular shop in Japan... What are the Adult ones like? O.O