Comments On This Picture
little asian schoolgirls need breasts too
Its from a store called Donkey-Hote They are basically like a Specncers gifts in America its a gag-gift and costume shop full of tons of silly things A matter of fact, half of the pictures on this site are product from there Japan in not wierd, tourists flock to these stores and think its what real Japanse people buy I lived in Tokyo for 6 years (until two years ago) and go back every year This site is not a reflection of what their culture is about I do enjoy it though, just dont be fooled.
Whoever wrote the top comment.....FUCK YOU!!!
prev poster: I have been advised. Thank you.
Is it just me, or did her own boobs get smaller in the process..
Sexy Bonba? Huh.
anybody noticed the picture on the box that demonstrates it looks like a guy
3.- Enjoy
I'm really glad you cleared that us for us And I must ask, did the your period key break? As I'm finding it difficult to find a single period in your whole paragraph Though I might have missed it But it does seem like mine has malfunctioned as well Hmm, maybe it's the site Oh well.
why I ever want to have 4 boobs?!
false advertising LOL!!
In fact, the name is not Donkey-Hote, is Don Quixote.
Wait, you do realize that's a boy on the package, right? >
It's for TRAPS!!
The answer to what genes may not provide
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little asian schoolgirls need breasts too