Comments On This Picture
Pedo-bear practices safe sex....with minors.
training condoms...?
If it tastes like lolipop, i'm so buying all of them
pedo-bear condons to avoid criminals rape evidences
At least Japanese pre schoolers are practicing safe sex. Good to know
Uke condom???
wow, i bet nothing is better at turning a guy on then cartoon bears and flowers
kids have rilakkuma toys, teens have rilakkuma condoms
To the guy that said 'That's Rilakkuma you losers.' Uhm.... You're the one that can identify a Japanese bear cartoon... Who's the loser now?
まだペドとか言ってんの?w むしろお前らがペド病だと声を大にして言いたい
The Japanese guy said "You're still talking about pedos? I have to say, it's you guys who are the pedos."
Kiddie Condoms
it aint pedo-bear. its RIRAKKUMA!
Pedo-bear practices safe sex....with minors.