Comments On This Picture
Why Japan, why?!
And that's how they teach the kids do it
Am I the only one who got a boner from seeing this?
Its all technique...anyway shes 14 and legal.
This is what happens when an ancient fertility ritual meets 21st century marketing in a country where all kinds of weird things can be bought and sold. I can understand a penis festival, a breast festival, even a vagina festival. I get it...fertility symbols, fertility festivals...all well and good for a nation with a declining birthrate. But Penis ICE CREAM? FOR KIDS? HAPPILY BOUGHT FOR THEM, BY THEIR PARENTS? WTF?
You can see that she's a bad mom for not sharing her ice penis...
here ... take a dick
Hey, i thought I recognized her! Tell your mom she's online!
cocksicle!!! for 300 yen!!!
I know this is weird...but I really want some ice cream now.
Ice cream with sperm flavor.
Why can't we have dick icecream in Europe?
why do they have the censorships over the eyes? They all look the same..
Suk Muc Dik
Sexual Education in Japan
Because ice cream dicks are f**kin awesome!
Yummy! <3
penis cream cone
Probably the biggest they'll ever see.
Thats pedobears coick
i Wonder how manys likes it takes before it melts..
finally the cocksicle
Pedobear's freeze o_o''
dear god...
japanese teach their kids how to perform oral to someone penis...
Japanese doesn't have Victorian attitude towards sexuality or its organs like Westerner does.
they all prefer the black one
when I was in japen with my mom I saw some one eating one of those O.O
that.... is disturbing.
this ain japan its BHUTAN!!!!
she likes the chocolate ones cause they are bigger
- it bad if i want one?
What the fuck!
Relax, its just a soft penis
there's something in japan called penis festival
That's the Penis Festival. It's real, and annual.
2 american cones comin' up!
So they DO have black guys in japan
It's cream filled
not japan
Hey kids! Want some ice cream?
om nom nom
They got the kids practicing, but don't give one to Hachi. We're trying to get him off the damned things..
This is not right for that child (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mom knows it... thats why she is taking the head off.
Baskin abd Robbins should pay attention
IS THAT WALDO, behind them?
teach them while their young.
Why Japan, why?!